Salt and Light: The Character of Citizens in God’s Kingdom.
Salt and Light are two metaphors Jesus used to drive home to his disciples and us, what Christians are meant to be like and their mission on earth (Matthew 5: 13-16). However, the focus of the church today is a far cry from what our Lord taught and sent his disciples to accomplish. We have invented our brand putting ourselves at the center and vigorously pursuing our agendas. Perhaps hypocritically, we parade ourselves as followers of Christ even though we intentionally identify with religious jobbers and groups characterized as “The Truth Twisters” by Harold J. Berry in his book of that title.
Jesus on Olivet Mount had what became regular sessions of sharing the mysteries of the kingdom exclusively with his chosen disciples - away from the crowded population.
Put simply, a disciple reflects Christ at heart - inwardly submitting to God, the Father, and outwardly, in conduct and relationship with fellow humans in society. Jesus came with a mission on earth; He called the original twelve disciples, representing the twelve tribes of Israel, the people (nation) chosen to serve as a bridgehead to the world. He spent most of his time - in private and public - teaching them and modeling the person God meant them to be.
It was why Christ’s followers were called Christians in Antioch.
Today and a couple of days forward, we seek to call readers’ attention to pitfalls in our religious rituals - of playing to the gallery, promoting and celebrating self-accomplishments. We would seek to highlight the core teachings of Christ and show that Christianity is not a religion in the worldly sense, but a relationship. Jesus, the Son, came to give birth to more children into the family of his Father.
Our main theme is “Christian Influence” in the world. We live in an age when spiritual darkness is palpably hanging over the horizon - nationally and globally. We want to show that when Jesus returns, He will find you and me worthy of being counted among the “seven thousand who would not bow their knees to the idol” of this world.
Prophet Isaiah saw it coming; he saw a world enveloped in total darkness, and the light sent to illuminate the world. He prophesied, “God would bring light to a people in darkness, and they would see that light dawning and bringing joy to their lives” (Isaiah 9:1-7).
In fulfillment of that prophecy, Jesus declared:
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).
A life without Jesus is darkness. People in darkness are vulnerable and prone to errors; to falling into pits, gullies, and death - physical and spiritual.
Matthew chapters 5-7 were a collection of Christ’s teachings deserving of more attention than the church is paying. The Beatitudes describe the essential character of the citizens of God’s kingdom. Jesus says to his disciples “You are the Salt of the Earth” and “the Light of the World.” Salt and Light are two domestic metaphors Christ used to describe the influence of believers in the world. Every household, in Jesus' time and now uses salt and light regardless of family situation. Salt is used in the kitchen while light is placed on the lampstand to illuminate the home.
Light is needed to dispel the darkness of the night while salt, an essential component of our diet, is indispensable to the taste and health of the people. Salt, before the invention of electronic refrigeration was used for preservation - to keep meat wholesome and prevent decay. Food preservation was the major use of salt. Pliny wrote, “There is nothing more useful than salt and sunshine.”
Implications for the Church
The two metaphors set apart church and country essentially as distinct communities - against each other. On one hand, is what Jesus calls the Earth, and on the other, ‘You’ who are to be the salt of the Earth. The World - the totality of humankind - on one hand, and ‘You’ who are to be the light of it. Today, this distinction is blurred because believers have failed to take to heart the all-important Olivet discourse. Some preachers would justify the lack of distinction by referring to all humans as “the people of God.”
But Jesus, in John 17 separates his disciples from the world: “I pray not for the world”, he said in his intercessory prayer, “but for these whom you have given me out of the world”, for they are yours and you have given them to me.”
Jesus speaks of two distinct communities here.
Salt or sodium chloride, is a stable chemical compound that in itself cannot be altered. It is resistant to external influence. Nevertheless, salt or sodium chloride can become contaminated through a mixture of impurities. When contaminated with impure elements, it becomes weak and ineffective even as a soil fertilizer.
The world is presented as a dark place with little or no light of its own so an external source of light is needed to illuminate it. Also, the world manifests a constant tendency to deteriorate and putrefy; that is why salt - the church - is needed. Jesus says the church must stop the world going bad.
But when the church fails to stop the world from going bad, and opens its door to the world, the church becomes contaminated and begins to putrefy like the world.
That is the state of our churches today!
As already indicated the Beatitudes is a collection of Christ’s teaching on Mount Olivet consistent with his periodic withdrawal from the ever-growing crowd that was hanging around him, to be alone with his disciples - teaching them the mystery and meaning of God’s kingdom, and their responsibilities as citizens of the kingdom on earth.
The main thrust of his message is that his disciples are different and should not take their cue from the world, nor from the pharisees and the scribes. He took time to separate kingdom standards from world standards, stressing that though in the world they are not of the world.
Jesus underscores the difference in the meaning attached to words used in the world compared to their meaning in the kingdom:
“You have heard that it was said to the people long ago…But I tell you…” was a recurring refrain of Christ’s commands to his disciples, when it comes to obeying the law. By separating the letter from the spirit of the law, Jesus raises the bar, if you will, for his disciples of the New Testament era.
Take this example: “You have heard that it was said, ’Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person” If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. ..” (Matthew 5: 38-39).
That is a hard one, right? Sure, but let’s get it right.
Jesus says: “the Spirit in you is of peace, therefore, be peaceful.” Don’t retaliate. Though the law allowed for retaliation, Jesus calls for reconciliation. To be struck on the cheek was symbolic of being personally insulted in the course of fulfilling our mission - not physical attack.
He draws a line between what the world defines as blessing, and the person who is blessed in God’s kingdom. Jesus challenges the standards of the world and lays out a different standard for his followers - citizens of His kingdom.
He shows in unequivocal terms, that the reversal of world standards is fundamental to biblical Christianity. Jesus exalts the humble and abases the proud. He calls the first by world standard, last, and the last first. He ascribes greatness to the servant, sends the rich away empty, and declares the meek to be His heirs.
The world judges the strong and the brash blessed, not the meek and gentle and not the hungry for righteousness and social justice. The world judges as blessed those who pursue their selfish agendas by devious means, not the pure in heart who refuse to compromise their integrity.
Jesus was not just radical, he was revolutionary. We all need a real mental revolution to think and be like Jesus.
That is Christocracy!