One Servant, Two Masters:

Vincent O. Oshin
5 min readMar 20, 2024


Choosing the one to serve.

Photo by Ali Kazal on Unsplash

Paul’s admonition in Colossians 3: 22, urging “slaves to obey their earthly masters in everything - doing it as onto the Lord,” has tragically been abused by slave masters to justify the brutality of slavery. Onesimus the chattel slave of Philemon had run away from his master - escaping the inhumane treatment of the slave master. Coming in contact with the gospel, however, Onesimus was liberated from the shackles of sin and became a new person. He was returned to his master who Paul admonished to welcome him - no longer as a slave but as a dear brother.

Onesimus experienced a transformation from slavery to freedom.

It is not uncommon for slaves to seize an opportunity to escape the hardship of slave labor. This is attested in ancient and modern history. What is unknown is the example of individuals voluntarily choosing to tether themselves to a master, however benevolent the master may appear to be.

Really? But that is what many Christians are doing!

What do I mean?

In Matthew 6: 24, Jesus alludes to the existence of two masters - God and Money - with attendant human preoccupations: The material necessities of food, clothing, and shelter vis-a-vis the kingdom and righteousness of God. Sure, there is much on both sides to attract the attention of “Christians” desiring to have the best of two worlds ready to bow to the lure of money and the crave to corner loads of it, plus making it to heaven. Money is a ubiquitous monster and a bully - always having its way with humans. Its commanding presence is irresistible. Mammon is truly the god of the Earth.

Several popular preachers have elevated making money to a doctrine of their church.

But Jesus says categorically,

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

Think about it.

If as Jesus says, no one can serve two masters - God and Money - it becomes clear that you and I have to choose the master we love to serve. Looks like we are trapped - the choice is forced on us. We cannot escape choosing one of the two. In other words, we are forced to decide which of the two we are serving.

How shall we make our choice?

Our Lord, Jesus has not left us in the dark to gamble. He guides us toward making the right choice. Jesus knows that worldly ambition has a strong fascination; and that the glow of materialism is hard to ignore. So he points to the folly of choosing the wrong master and the wisdom of choosing the right one.

The Fleeting and the Enduring:

Looking at Matthew 6: 19-21, Jesus is saying that we are all treasure hunters. As prudent businessmen and women, he wants us to consider the character of our investments relative to anticipated rewards or gains. To weigh the quality and the lifespan of the treasure we are collecting. Again there are only two kinds of treasure here. One is a treasure on earth, and the other is a treasure in heaven. One is corruptible, the other is incorruptible.

Jesus Instructs his followers:

“Don’t lay up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal.”

What is the meaning of that for believers? First, these are what it does not mean: It does not stop believers from being provident - making provision for the future, only they are not to be covetous. They are not to be materialists or misers. Having possessions per se is not evil. He is not saying you cannot invest or save for a rainy day.

The book of Proverbs praises the ants for their industry: “Go to the ants, you sluggard, and be wise.” 1 Timothy 5:8 tells us that he who does not provide for his relatives, especially his own family, has disowned the faith. He is said to be worse than an infidel (unbeliever). Caring for our children and family is a Christian obligation. Moreover, it does not prohibit enjoying the good things our Creator has given us. “God has given us all things to enjoy.” says 1 Timothy 6:17.

So, what does laying treasure for yourselves on earth mean? Simply, it prohibits the selfish accumulation of material possessions - the foolish fantasy of thinking “a man’s life consists in the abundance of what he possesses” - often translating to extravagant and luxurious living; to materialism which ties our hearts to earthly possessions — the hard-heartedness that ignores the needs of millions of underprivileged peoples of our world.

That is what laying up treasures for ourselves on earth means. They are truly treasures that will grow rusty and be eaten by moths.

Only recently, we witnessed video clips of rotten naira notes stacked in underground tanks away from the hungry masses of Nigerians, so much for the corruptible treasures on earth.

Let’s contrast these with the incorruptible treasures in heaven.

Laying up treasures in heaven is about doing anything on earth whose effect lasts for eternity. This is not to say that doing good deeds per se on earth earns a place in heaven. Jesus was speaking to his disciples who already have eternal life by faith and grace.

Laying up treasures involves witnessing for Christ, and winning souls into the kingdom. It means investing our time and resources in the lives of others, especially in new converts to develop the Christian character, and being transformed into the image of Christ. It means living out our faith in Christ, and love for others (1 Corinthians 13).

And alhough money cannot buy salvation or build the Christian character by itself, our money plays a critical role in impacting lives and advancing the cause of God’s kingdom on earth.

These are some of the ways we lay up our treasures in heaven. They are temporal activities with eternal rewards. No burglar or vermin can destroy them.

Wisdom dictates that we lay up our treasure where it endures on to eternity.

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