Making Personal Our Walk with God:

Vincent O. Oshin
5 min readJun 30, 2024


Separating Relationship from Dogma.

Photo by Luke Miller on Unsplash

I was watching a video in which the speaker was exposing the natural dynamics of a growing tree. The vitality of the roots is reflected in the outward growth of the tree. Naturally, the hidden roots face greater resistance from an underground shielded from the rays of light. But as the tap root pushes through barriers in darkness, the other roots spread and deepen the support base of the tree. By contrast the other parts of the tree grow up unhindered though exposed to the elements - the sun, rain, and storms - blooming and producing fruits.

One could see the parallel in the life of a believer. A Christian’s spiritual growth reflects the depth of his or her roots in the Word and intimate relationship with Christ.

As a background, let’s take a step back to review our Christian journey thus far:

Over two thousand years of its existence, the organized church has undergone a series of structural changes informed by the vision of its leadership at different points in history. Physical and administrative structures were built more as expedients (necessary evil) of the moment than what is commanded in the Scriptures. As expected, the military-styled hierarchies in the Church created a class of powerful church leadership and a single command structure. So, a preoccupation with title and power took attention away from spreading the gospel truths as taught by Jesus and the First Century apostles, to building structures and perpetuating religious rituals. Sure, the emerging structures have proven to be an effective tool for control.

Coupled with that is human’s propensity to conform to traditions and established formulae in religious performance, rather than follow the example of Jesus and the apostles. Performance soon became a measure of devotion to God, and the parameter for assessing the clergy in the eyes of the world. The individual must be seen doing the right things and sounding the right notes to get attention.

Back to Basics:

After the fall, humanity continued to make ego and self-interest the focal point of attention, and in rebellion, bowed down to ancestral gods, and idols crafted in images of humans and animals.

Hero worship assumed primacy as people established traditions of origin and celebrated their founding fathers by declaring national holy days, during which sacrifices were offered and the blood of slain animals sprinkled on altars in shrines and national galleries.

Worshiping spirit-beings and local deities was commonplace in the ancient world, and has persisted till date in many parts of the globe.

Little wonder the Creator had intervened to stop humanity’s growing rebellion by revealing Himself to Abraham who was called out of his world into a special relationship with God. He and his descendants became the arrowhead for changing the narrative of rebellion toward submission to the one and only God.

When God Speaks — 
The Call of Moses:

“The poor and needy search for water, but there’s none; their tongues are parched with thirst. But I the LORD will answer them; I, the God of Israel will not forsake them.” (Isaiah 41:17).

God answered the cries of the poor and oppressed in Egypt. He spoke through miraculous signs.

God came calling; He appeared to Moses in Horeb while shepherding the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law. God arrested his attention with a burning bush. ”The bush is on fire but not consumed by the flame” (Exodus 3: 2–4). Seeing the bush burning and yet standing, Moses drew close to ascertain: “What is going on here?” It was a watershed encounter - the beginning of a lasting, consequential relationship between God and Moses - a relationship that brought the Israelites out of slavery, and into a covenant relationship with the one and only God - the “I am that I am”.

God promised thirsty Israel,

“I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the patched ground into spring.” (Isaiah 41:18).

How are you responding to the call of God upon your life? And what can you learn from Moses’ response to God? Moses was not enthusiastic about going to meet Pharaoh. He wanted to be excused because he felt he didn’t have what it takes. Recall his antecedents?

Moses had a heart for the enslaved Jewish people. He identified with them, and fought in defense of a Jew, killing an Egyptian. Moses gave up his status as a prince in Pharaoh’s palace to look after the flock of Jethro in exile (Exodus 2:11–15). Faithfully, he addressed his energies to shepherding the animals put in his charge, when God called him to lead His people out of slavery. But Moses felt he was not equipped for the job.

Why would God send a stutterer to confront the most powerful ruler in the world with a challenging demand - targeting Pharaoh’s authority and removing the core of Egypt’s free labor force? There certainly were better communicators out there. But God saw in Moses what Moses did not see in himself. God had ready answers for his questions and catered to his needs and concerns.

Despite his initial reluctance, Moses answered the call and played the most pivotal role in the history of Israel. He doubled as God’s mouthpiece, the prophet, and Israel’s representative before God. For forty years, Moses led stubborn Israel through the rigors of wandering in the wilderness to the promised land.

God is still in the business of delivering humankind from spiritual bondage and restoring fallen humanity to the pristine relationship in Eden before the fall. He is asking you reading this, to partner with Him in the rescue operation of souls from bondage in the enemy’s camp.

Like Moses, you can step into a life-long relationship with God and leave your footprint in the sand of time and eternity. He is saying to you: “Come, you who are heavily laden and laboring under the yoke of cultism and religious bigotry. Take my easy yoke on you. My relationship burden is light. I’ll carry your burden with you. Come into my Rest and refresh your soul.” (Mattew 11:28–29).

What are you waiting for?



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