Making Disciples:

Vincent O. Oshin
5 min readJun 1, 2024


What It Means for Today’s Church.

Photo by Victória Duarte on Unsplash

At the end of His Ministry on Earth, Jesus took pains to instruct His chosen disciples on what to do in the aftermath of His departure. For three and a half years, He laid the foundation of the new kingdom he had come to inaugurate, engaging them time and again in an elaborate discourse of what it means to be part of that kingdom. It was the essence of his dialogue with Nicodemus - the Teacher of Israel (John 3:1-16).

Jesus was the Master teacher. He specifically commissioned his followers to teach potential disciples “all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:17). The disciples did not only leave their former ways of life to follow Jesus, but they also submitted to learning about the Way, and the kingdom. The Lord’s commission to them was clear and straightforward: “Go into the world and make disciples of all nations…baptizing…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Teaching and studying are the most effective strategies for deepening our understanding of Scripture and believing the gospel.

Evangelism is taking the first step toward obeying the Lord’s command. It is taking the good news to the people, and allowing them to respond. Some will embrace the good news, others will not. Those who respond favorably to the gospel - becoming born-again converts - are like vulnerable newborn babies, who need parental tender loving care. Inherent parental love comes into play in all living creatures - humans, animals, and birds. Babies can’t survive without TLC. All expectant parents know this and make adequate preparations for the coming baby or babies. It is now customary for friends and family members to organize a “Baby Shower Event” in anticipation of a new family member.

A born-again convert is a new member of Christ’s church family. It is not enough to PREACH - calling people to repent, it is indeed imperative to TEACH. The newborn baby in Christ needs to be fed with the WORD, beginning with the milk of the Word. Babies don’t grow on solid food; they are not ready for it. Feeding new converts with solid spiritual food meant for mature believers leaves the new church family members out of consideration and ignored.

Jesus taught and equipped his disciples with the “mysteries” of God’s kingdom before sending them out on the Great Commission. It is not about the preacher’s eloquence or theatrics, but the gospel truth. It is about communication - speaking at the level of students/audience’s understanding. Thanks to churches where age-appropriate platforms are created to cater to the needs of various categories of church family members. The difference is clear.

Why We Must Grow Our New Converts:

The palpable consequence of neglecting our impressionable new converts in our teaching ministry is the prevalence of ill-prepared, spiritually immature individuals now parading themselves as pastors, and ministry founders - exploiting innocent members of society for selfish goals. We are thrown into a situation where those who still need to be taught and fed with the word arrogate to themselves the right to teach others, thus misleading the majority of churchgoers to embrace what the apostle Paul terms, “Another gospel”.

What is more, men of shady characters are invading our churches and leaving in their trail unsuspecting victims of their antics. The offices of apostles, prophets, and pastors have become so denigrated that one is jolted to a red flag whenever any of the titles is associated with an individual. Believe me it’s as bad as that. Be on your guard.

Our world is filled with different versions of “Another gospel”. The self-centered, prosperity gospel is an example. Where has it come from? That is not what Jesus commanded!

Prosperity gospel and the miraculous are now at the front and center of motivational preaching in highly populated mega-churches in the land. Church messages are fuelled by what people want to hear. Certainly, something has gone wrong. The gospel is bastardized to satisfy the cravings of the flesh.

Falsehoods have a way of spreading like wildfire. John 3:19 says “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds are evil”. Like conspiracy theory, its version in the political terrain, falsehoods masquerade as theology to deceive the unwary - and many are falling for it.

Contending for the Faith:

The book of Jude in a few short words sounds an alarm the church had ignored to its peril. Jude, the half brother of Jesus and brother of James alerted believers to the activities of false teachers (Jude 1: 17-24). Jude’s original intention in writing his letter to believers in Christ was to teach the truth of the gospel; however, he felt compelled to shift from that purpose to address the damages being perpetrated by false teachers.

He writes:

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people” (v.3). He goes to say that those teachers “pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our Sovereign and Lord (v.4). He made further accusations in verses 8 and 12 but closed by encouraging the children of God to remain faithful (17-23). Jude assures them of God’s help, committing them to the One “who can keep from stumbling and before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy” (v.24).

Let’s elaborate on Jude’s message for a second: His call to believers is for them to fight and defend the faith. His word is, “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.” He says God’s holy people are stewards of the Faith. There’s no room for compromise. He warned them to beware of scoffers - those who do not have the Spirit but are driven by human instincts - the flesh.

By implication, Jude urges believers to be firmly grounded in the faith. To be grounded in the faith is to be well grounded in the teaching and commands of Jesus Christ. Our churches must be intentional in focusing primarily on teaching the gospel truth.

He concludes by encouraging children of God to remain faithful, and stay focused in the face of distractions and temptations of the world around them, well assured of God's ability to keep them from stumbling.

“Contend for the Faith” is a call to all who truly believe in the atoning work of Christ. As God’s people and partakers of God’s gracious provision of salvation, reconciling humanity to Himself, we are under obligation to proclaim the gospelV and take our stand contending for the priceless Faith.

Making disciples is not the same as filling our churches with religious fanatics and seekers of worldly success and prosperity, the promised fringe benefits for those who seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.



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