Vincent O. Oshin
1 min readDec 17, 2023


A Christian Fellowship grows or falls apart depending on how the following biblical commands are lived out:

Love One another (John 13:34), (1 Cor.13:1-13).

Build One another up (1 Thess. 5:11)

Bear with One another (Colossians 3: 13)

Forgive One another (Eph. 4:32)

Serve One another (Gal.5:13).

Be devoted to One another (Romans 12:10).

Pray for One another (James 5:16).

Teach One Another (Col. 3:16).

Live in harmony with One another (Romans 12: 16).

Welcome One another (Romans 15: 17).

Encourage One another (1 Thess.4: 18).

Exhort One anther (Heb. 3:13).

Check it out; If your Church/Fellowship is not growing, some people probably fail to obey these commands.

It’s about you doing it to others - not what others do to you. Reciprocity is the word - Reflecting Christ to One another.

A Word About Forgiveness:

Be forgiving towards others and yourself - living in light of your knowledge level. To not live in light of your knowledge is a sin. You’ve fallen short - the Fall again.

Forgive because your offender may not know better.

Jesus prayed for those who nailed him to the cross: “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing.” It’s about knowledge. Most innocent people do things in light of what they know. Think about it. Often, Christians know better than they behave.

There’s only one person you can change, and that is yourself. After you change yourself, you might be able to inspire others to change.

Action speaks louder than words.

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