Dominion Mandate:
Fulfilling God’s Purpose for You on Earth.
A lady in her late thirties was seen on social media openly lamenting her redundancy as a graduate from a Nigerian University, still floating around in search of a salaried, white-collar job and a man to marry, several years after graduating. Believing that the state and university have failed her, she threatens to sue her alma mater - demanding a refund of fees she paid while pursuing her “useless” degree.
Pretty absurd!
She reflects a growing human error of misplaced priority and poor perception of self-worth. University education is designed to equip the beneficiaries with the wherewithal to face the challenges of human existence. It is not the proverbial meal ticket for the job market. University education, indeed, all forms of education, confer a degree of necessary skills for life.
The lady highlights, in a crude fashion, a national malaise that is taking a heavy toll on graduates of our universities. She, typically, models the product of a grossly flawed education system.
However, we seek here to address at a broader/spiritual level, a general human error - of failing to locate ourselves within the framework of God’s creation agenda.
There’s a purpose for every human created in God’s image and likeness. The purpose in God’s mind at creation provides the framework for identifying who we are and the spiritual context within which we are called to function as individuals. It is the “mystery” of God - a mystery that remains hidden to many believers in Christ.
Hebrews 11:3 says, “the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible” - implying a spiritual dimension to you and me. As people created in God’s image, we live by faith (spiritual), not by sight (physical). Genesis 1:21, 24-25 states that, things created before man were made “according to its kind.” It draws a line between things created “according to its kind”, and humans created “in Our image, according to Our likeness” (v.26).
The overarching mandate is tied to human creation:
"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule (have dominion) over the fish,..birds…cattle, etc.”
Thus, from the beginning humankind was ordained to have dominion - to rule and take charge over all the physical creation here on earth.
This sentiment is echoed in Psalm 8:4-6:
“What is man that You are mindful of him and the son of man that You visit him? You have made him a little lower than the angels (the Hebrew word “Elohim” denoting God), and You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him have dominion over the works of Your hand; You have put all things under his feet.”
This is a clear affirmation of God’s special purpose for creating humankind. Even though man is made a “little lower” than “Elohim” - the Godhead, man is crowned with glory and honor and given “dominion” over the work of God’s hands.
In the likeness of God:
At creation, humankind was given a mind, remarkably distinct from any animal brain. Unlike any other creature, man has a creative imagination and the capacity to analyze himself and complex issues. He can reason, identify right and wrong - and like God make judgments. God affirms human capacity to accomplish set goals at the building of the tower of Babel: “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” (Genesis 11:6).
Humanity, collaborating (speaking the same language) in a worldwide scientific community has made landmark accomplishments in technology and all fields of human endeavor.
As indicated above, humanity was placed over physical creation on earth. He was given the capacity and responsibility to help and direct his fellow man - governance - dispensing justice under God (cf. Exodus 18: 13-26).
In other words, you were given God-like responsibility from the beginning. Taking on God-like responsibility becomes a matter of choice for one who recognises his position and role as God’s agent on earth. You are anointed with a divine authority that is subject to no other authority. All humans endowed with creative imagination, break new grounds and excel in their callings and professions - fulfilling their dominion mandate as founders, leaders, inventors and managers of men and material etc., etc.
When Jesus Christ came to the earth in human flesh, he continually preached about the coming rule of God, saying the kingdom of God is at hand. He urged the people to repent and believe the gospel (Mark 1: 14-15). The kingdom of God is about the rule of God in our hearts.
While sending out his disciples, Jesus gave them authority over physical and spiritual powers manifesting in people’s lives as infirmities and demonic oppression. They had the mandate to cast out unclean spirits, cure every disease and sickness, heal the sick, and wake the dead. ((Mark 6: 7-13, Luke 9:1-2).
Scripture in the Old and New Testaments, speaks to the coming rule of God and His Christ on earth. Prophet Daniel predicted the coming of four great world-ruling kingdoms or empires. The four great powers will rule/govern the world until the end of this age. His words:
“In the times of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever” (Daniel 2:44).
Several Kindoms and empires have risen and fallen since Daniel’s prediction. The Greco-Roman, the Ottoman Turkish, and the British, in modern times, have all established their sway over the world at different times in history. Today, other world powers like the United States, European Union, China and Russia have emerged and are emerging as dominant powers - exercising unbridled power and influence over the globe. However, the process of rising and falling of empires, will continue until the return of Christ to establish an everlasting kingdom.
Most of Jesus’ parables concern the kingdom of God. The rule of God’s kingdom begins with His rule in our hearts and lives here and now. In Mark 4: 30-32, Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a grain of mustard seed. He shows that the kingdom of God, though starting out extremely small, will eventually grow to become an all-encompassing entity.
Believers in Christ are called to use their unique talents to advance His kingdom on earth. This is the purpose of God’s investment in you and me — not for amassing wealth and worldly glory for ourselves. We are simply channels of blessings to the world.
The dominion mandate in Genesis 1, translates to the Great Commission in Matthew 28. In the parable of the nobleman (Luke 19: 12-19), Jesus states that those who use their talents as God intends, will be given authority in Christ’s soon coming government to rule over cities. To the servants who had increased his talents ten times, Jesus would say,
“Well done good servant; because you were faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities”. The servant who faithfully worked and increased his talents five times over will rule over five cities.”
The time is yet to come.
Now the dominion mandate is being actualized by all humans regardless of their spiritual status. No one needs to be a Christian to exercise dominion, nor acquire university degrees to become a billionaire. The one mandate for believers in Jesus is to go and make disciples of all nations. It’s about Christ’s coming rule on earth.